
St. Philip’s 大学 is in the process of identifying a focus area for the 2016 Quality Enhancement Plan. 已提出以下主题. 请花一点时间完成QEP选题调查. Your input is important in helping the college identify and prioritize a focus area for improvement of student learning outcomes.

The descriptions cited below are examples of other institutions’ best practices or Coordinating Board definitions. 应当指出,圣. 菲利普学院将定义自己的方法来解决选定的一般重点领域.


1. 交流(跨课程写作)


欧洲央行的核心目标,包括有效的发展, 通过书面形式解释和表达思想, 口头和视觉交流. 具体来说,课程写作(WAC)已经被推荐. 一个定义:

“Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) describes a set of pedagogical practices grounded in the premise that writing plays an indispensable role in developing critical thinking skills and learning discipline-specific content, as well as understanding and building competence in the modes of inquiry and dissemination specific to various disciplines and professions.”

佐治亚州立大学. 跨课程中心写作.

2. 经验 & 定量技能


A THECB Core Objective which includes the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.

3. 团队合作


A THECB Core Objective which includes the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.

4. 个人责任


核心目标,包括连接选择的能力, 行为和道德决策的后果.

5. 社会责任


核心目标包括跨文化能力, 公民责任知识, 以及有效参与区域事务的能力, 国家, 以及全球社区

6. 数学商场(模组数学)



  • Students spend the bulk of their course time doing math problems rather than listening to someone talk about doing them.
  • Students spend more time on things they don't understand and less time on things they have already mastered.
  • 学生在遇到问题时会得到帮助.
  • 学生被要求做数学.”


7. 计算能力(数量素养)


“在处理数字数据方面的‘思维习惯’、能力和舒适. Individuals with strong QL skills possess the ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations. They understand and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and they can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats (using words, tables, graphs, 数学方程, etc.,视情况而定).”


8. 领导


“offer fostering opportunities for students to develop leadership competencies while working on projects of social and civic engagement; enabling students to network with peers, 专家, and organizations; encouraging students to conduct reflection on personal leadership values and experiences; and cultivating relationships and internship opportunities with state and 国家 leadership institutes – from academia politics, 政府, 非营利组织和营利组织.”

9. 职业生涯路径


“Career pathways are an integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop students’ core academic, technical and employability skills; provide them with continuous education and training; and place them in high-demand, 较高的机会工作.”


10. 语境化


“The high literacy goals of schools are best achieved in everyday, culturally meaningful contexts. This contextualization utilizes students’ funds of knowledge and skills as a foundation for new knowledge. 这种方法培养了自豪感和自信心,也提高了学习成绩.”


11. 教师建议


Enhancing the Culture of Student Success and Persistence through 学术顾问 - Role of the Faculty
Dr. Charlie Nutt, NACADA学术咨询执行主任

“……在这种文化转变的中心必须是有效的, 有意的, and comprehensive academic advising for all students from their first step on our campus to their last step across the stage at graduation…”


12. 教师指导


“…Mentoring can take several forms including career exploration and life skills development. 通过在一学年的课程中将教师或工作人员与学生配对, 在舒适的环境中安排会议, 学生将有机会谈论他或她的学术需求, 分享他或她的目标, and discuss concerns and needs…” The Faculty/Student Mentor Program at Westchester 社区 大学:



Please add your recommended topic with supporting narrative that identifies and targets for improvement a key aspect of our students’ educational experience.