
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: Fine Arts/Kinesiology
研究所: 有创意的 & 沟通的艺术
大学: 程控

What is 音乐Pre-Major?

The 音乐Pre-Major is based on the Field of Study Curriculum

The Field of Study Curriculum for 音乐 is a set of lower-division courses that must be applied to the bachelor’s degree with a major in 音乐. The Field of Study Curriculum for 音乐 should be followed by community and technical colleges to structure a transfer curriculum in music. The Field of Study Curriculum for 音乐 shall consist of 31 lower-division semester credit hours that are fully applicable to a bachelor’s degree with a major in 音乐. The entire block of courses shall be applied to a bachelor’s degree with a major in 音乐 or on a course-by-course basis.

The Field of Study Curriculum for 音乐 should serve as the basis for structuring the associate degree. Each college determines which courses from its approved general education core curriculum, along with the Field of Study Curriculum for 音乐, constitute a 60- semester-credit-hour transfer block. Students shall complete the remaining general education core curriculum in effect at the receiving institution.


音乐Pre-Majors will study 音乐 Theory, 耳朵的培训, 钢琴水平, 私人音乐课程, 整体性能, and 音乐 Literature in their Field of Study Curriculum

What can I do with this course of study?

Students can satisfy transfer requirements to a university, prepare for auditions, improve knowledge and skills in music, and contribute ensemble skills to performance in the community.


What's special about the program?

通过我们的项目, you can expect to receive a quality educational environment that stimulates critical thinking, develops an understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications, 并培养了 appreciation for all of these. 进一步, our college works toward deepening learning experiences by engaging students in internships with local partner industries.



  • 约书亚绉边- Piano, 耳朵的培训, Choir
  • Gregory Gonzalez- 音乐 Theory, Woodwinds, Jazz Ensemble
  • David Torres, EdD- 音乐 Theory, Guitar, Instrumental Ensemble


  • 娜奥米·麦克马洪——声音
  • Jorge Padilla- Percussion
 ...expect to receive a quality educational environment that stimulates critical thinking...


MLK Watson Fine Arts Center (WFAC), 202
Art Program Coordinator:
Jennifer Agricola-Mojica
MLK Watson Fine Arts Center (WFAC), 203
音乐 Program Coordinator:
MLK Watson Fine Arts Center (WFAC), 214-C